A Fun Community Driven Meme Adventure Game

Experience the future of gaming with our AI-powered meme adventure game built on Unreal Engine 5.

RoboCat Token is new with innovative features and a dedicated team, it’s set to change the crypto landscape. We’re just getting started! Big things to come! Follow us on social media to learn about our project, hear exciting news and receive amazing prizes! Join the RoboCat Token movement!

Robocat is a meme adventure token on the BNB Smart Chain,  founded by a community with a passion for crypto and decentralization. Robocat aims to revolutionize blockchain gaming with AI-powered gameplay using Unreal Engine 5. Embark on a journey with RoboCat to discover treasured NFT gems and experience improved gameplay through AI upscaling and Procedural Content Generation (PCG). Explore AI-generated open-world environments and encounter intelligent NPC behaviors in Robocat, the ultimate decentralized gaming experience.

Unlock premium features and gain an edge in the game by using the BNB Chain Wallet embedded in Robocat. Users can lock their tokens for a specific duration to gain access to exclusive features or pay with $RCT for an additional layer of customization. Enhance your gameplay by purchasing advanced weapons and game items using $RCT, the in-game token of Robocat.

The Token

The RoboCat Token was explicitly designed to be a community-driven, ownership-renounced token. At the time of creation, 72% of the coin was burned. 3% of the coin is locked into a dual-signature marketing wallet for the purpose of promotions and development.

Ensuring fairness for all, RoboCat Token launched with a Fair Launch on PancakeSwap V2, making it accessible to everyone. To guarantee the security and stability of our Liquidity Pool, 100% LP tokens have been locked.

How To Buy

metamask (1) Download Metamask

$RCT is available for sale on Pancakeswap. To get started, install a crypto wallet such as Metamask on your phone or computer.

BNBChain Send BNB To Wallet

Once you have your wallet configured, buy some BNB using the wallet app or transfer BNB into your wallet using an app such as Coinbase.

RCT Swap for $RCT

The last step is to head over to Pancakeswap, click Connect Wallet and start swapping BNB for RoboCat Token (RCT).


Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Three

Phase Four


What is the main aim of RoboCat platform?

RoboCat is on a mission to To build a meme adventure game embedding Artificial Intelligence using Unreal Engine 5. The goal of AI in the game is to improve the playing experience for players.

What are the utilities of $RCT?

Ownership Renounced, 100% LP Locked, Reflections in RCT to holders, Auto-burn, Auto LP, Utility based.

What incentives will RoboCat provide for its members?

Benefits for the RoboCat community will include: Advertising Revenue, Tournaments/Events/Prize, Job Listings, Game testing, and access to the community feedback.

Partners & Listings